Best Player, Worst Hair #19 – Bobby Charlton

Sir Bobby was a fine player and a fine gentleman (plus he taught me to head a ball properly at brother Jackie’s summer soccer camp in 1970s BC). But maybe all that heading caught up to Bobby – and his sad efforts to conceal his bald pate led to this:

Bobby Charlton: master of the volley, the dribble off the wing, and the combover

Bobby in this pic looks like a whole generation of British men, doesn’t he? But for his prodigious talent, with a do like this he’d have fit right in on Fleet Street, an insurance company, or a bank. Frightening thought…

But unlike the British pub, Bobby’s combover made a successful crossing of the Atlantic to the US. Witness below American comic Bob Newhart, whose combed-over scalp was the most famous on the 1970s TV landscape:

Hi, Bob!