Movember 3 – Sean Avery moustache

Avery: pretty fly (for a guy who cleared waivers twice)

Movember at BP salutes hockey pest Sean Avery on the occasion of his re-entry into the NHL after clearing re-entry waivers to rejoin the New York Rangers.

Avery, better known for his loony off-ice antics than for his hockey, usually sports a delicate whisper of a stache and not the scraggly ruff he’s pictured wearing above. But with the grim-faced attendant, the paparazzi snapping away, and most of all the oversized sun goggles, Sean here looks more than a little bug-like as he leaves court on a minor charge last summer.

Regardless, Madison Square Garden fans have been clamoring for Avery as the team has got off to a weak start without him. Let’s see whether that whispering stache of his becomes a scream as he re-energizes the Rangers while tearing up the league – or if the only screams in New York are those of coach John Tortorella as he struggles to keep the boy in line.