Best Player, Worst Hair #7 – Wayne Rooney

His Holiness Wayne Rooney

Ok, ok – this was an easy one…and a choice likely to be applauded by the scouser hisself. Wayne has been very forthright about his recent hair transplant, posting pics via social media of his pate in various stages of re-forestation.

The rub is that many,  including his teammates at Old Trafford, are attributing Wayne’s startling return to form to – yes – his newly hirsute scalp. A Martin Rogers online story at Yahoo Sports quotes “club sources” as believing that Rooney’s $50K transplant has given the striker a new confidence on the pitch. Certainly, during United’s North American tour and in the fledgling Premiership season, Rooney has looked like the man of old, pre-scandal, pre-World Cup.

If it’s true that the transplant has spurred this return to top performance, who will be next in line for hair plugs?

One thought on “Best Player, Worst Hair #7 – Wayne Rooney

  1. Another gem Abbot. And so current. Rooney is currently one of the best footballers in the world. But he’s certainly had one of the most problematic heads around. Trouble is I don’t know if he’s looking any better now. I think the new “do” makes his head look weird. A bit too sharp and robotic.

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