Video: how Stamkos & Cammalleri get ready for hockey

A great video blog, courtesy of The Hockey News

BP has written before about ex-NHLer Gary Roberts’ off-season strength and nutrition training of elite young hockey stars. Seems Roberts has taken things to a new level this August – he’s named his camp (“BioSteel”), brought some corporate sponsors aboard, and attracted even more NHL players focused on being totally ready for the season ahead. Take a look:

Cammalleri’s only 5’9″, but he he punches way above his weight. Here’s what Matt Nichol (the trainer interviewed in the reel above) says about Cammy: “I would say that pound for pound he’s definitely one of the strongest guys in the league. And maybe one of the strongest guys in the league ever, pound for pound.”

The quote comes from The Hockey News’ interesting companion article to the video here. Turns out that Cammy once trained with track coach Charlie Francis, who – despite coaching Ben Johnson to everlasting track & field infamy – knew more than anyone about how to develop power and speed. For any sport.

For those of us in fantasy leagues or hockey pools with drafts upcoming – we might want to take a close look at Cammalleri and the other 29 guys training with Roberts and Nichol this week. With this kind of preparation, I wouldn’t bet against any one of them having a career season.

2 thoughts on “Video: how Stamkos & Cammalleri get ready for hockey

  1. Love what Nichol says about seeing Cammalleri train hard as a kid. Great story. Shame that the powerful Toronto boy has to put on the blue, blanc eh rouge every day, eh?

    Any idea Abbot if the GTA produces the most-best hockey players in the world? Certainly seems so to me.

    While a big leap, this also leads me to another question: should Toronto have two NHL teams in order to better represent that Toronto – and not Montreal, despite their Stanley Cups – is the centre of the hockey universe?

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