Best Player, Worst Hair #9 – Brad Meyers

Ok, Brad is not currently one of the world’s best rugby players…nor will he be representing his country, Australia, in next month’s World Cup. But Big Red is still a hell of a prop/second-row man…and more to the point here, the possessor of organized sport’s most inbred, Appalachian facial hair.

"Ya like banjo music, boy?"

He currently plies his trade for the Gold Coast Titans of Australia’s National League, but has been capped before – ten years ago now, v New Zealand and Great Britain. But Brad’s teammates complained of waking in the dead of night to horrific nightmares featuring Brad in graphic scenes from “Deliverance” – so he was dropped from the squad.

I don’t fancy tackling this brute without a snorkel. Go Brad – Best Player wants you back in Aussie colours.