Usain Bolts too soon

Bolt (2nd from right) clearly out ahead of others - and the starter's gun

Shock and awe in Daegu last night as world’s fastest man Usain Bolt fell victim to the IAAF’s ruthless disqualification rule and was ejected from the final of the men’s 100m.

Eighteen months ago, the IAAF tightened its false-start rule. Used to be that runners were allowed a second chance – only after two false starts were you ejected (UK athletics fans may remember with particular chagrin Linford Christie’s exit in the 1996 Olympic Games). Now, it’s zero-tolerance – jump too soon once and you’re out.

As Korea’s Joongang Daily reports, many believe the IAAF’s rule is now too strict. I have to say I agree. Taking Bolt out of the 100m final benefits nobody (well, in this case, it benefited his teammate and training partner Yohan Blake, who won the race in 9.92). And it’s not as if Bolt has ever relied on jumping the gun to win races and set records.

Bolt will now have to content himself with running the 200m and helping his Jamaican teammates defend their 4x100m title later this week. And prepping himself to wait for the starter’s gun at the Olympics next summer…

One thought on “Usain Bolts too soon

  1. Brutal. When I heard about the DQ I didn’t know there was that new rule. That’s not right. The federation should have known that the new rule could potentially result in it’s best runner getting kicked out. Maybe the ferderation people should now suffer some kind of penalty too for their stupidity.

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